Psychic Medium
Psychic or Medium - what's the difference?
All mediums are also psychic but not all psychics are mediums. Sound confusing? Let me explain.
Psychics are intuitives who use their psychic senses (i.e., seeing, hearing, smelling, feeling, knowing) to gather information directly from the person being read.
Mediums take it a step further. They tune into the spirit energy surrounding that person but most importantly rely on the presence of non-physical energy outside of themselves (i.e., dead people or animals, Spirit Guides, extraterrestrials, interdimensional beings) for information relevant to the person being read. While there are several types of mediumship, I work primarily as a mental medium, which means I communicate with spirits through the use of telepathy.
Can you see my future or read my mind?
I consider myself a healer as opposed to a fortune-teller. This means that I can't tell you what you had for breakfast, the name of your best friend, whether or not you are thinking I am full of shit, or the winning lottery number. Instead, whatever information I receive is provided by my Guides (who talk to your Guides, your Higher Self, and any entities in your space). We focus primarily on your physical/mental/emotional well-being as well as your spiritual progress. I do my best to de-code the meaning of these messages and deliver them to you. It is definitely an art!
Can you talk to my departed loved one?
I am able to connect to the dead but I cannot guarantee which one will come forward for your reading, if any. I can't command them to appear since they, too, are sovereign beings.

Why would a Reiki master no longer do Reiki?
I came to the understanding that Reiki only translocates an entity or disease and doesn't actually transform it. In other words, the adversarial energy simply changes location and is free to enter another vulnerable host (or return to the same host later). My conclusion is that this is not true healing and I refuse to "rob Peter to pay Paul." This fact is rarely acknowledged and is very controversial (most healers will deny it). However, I believe those who work with Spirit are aware of it on some level—otherwise why go to such lengths to keep our energy fields robust and protected?
I am also not confident in the source of the Reiki transmission. The narrative states that Mikao Usui received Reiki knowledge on a hilltop after 21 days of prayer and fasting. However, what he encountered exactly is not known. I have heard of a percentage of energy siphoned off for malevolent purposes using certain occult practices or objects (although I don't know enough to say more than this). The key take-away here is that if you don't truly know the source of the energy, stay away.
I ensure that anything removed from a client is:
transformed to the Light; or
relocated to an environment suitable to their sacred role (i.e., spirit bugs returned to the colony); or
if willing, rehabilitated under the care and supervision of high-vibrational beings (rare).
For more information on this topic, refer to Spiritual Translocation by Are Thoresen.

Why is spiritual sovereignty so important?
The term 'sovereign' is a political term (supreme power or authority, a self-governing state) but we can apply it to the sphere of our SELF which includes the body, mind, emotions, our life affairs, and our sphere of influence. Spiritual sovereignty is a clear statement of boundaries, with the confidence that we are backed up by universal law. This is a state of being where you lay claim to your own space, your physical body, your mind and heart, as your own. In other words, there is nothing negative connected or attached to your energetic field that is likely to change your thought or emotional pattern, or provide any type of intrusive thought at all.
Sometimes we give give our power away in order to get something we perceive as useful in return. Sometimes it's physical safety, or social acceptance, or any other fear that arises. Some spirits are stuck, literally bound, by agreement. They may be in your space, bothering you, without being aware that they have other choices.
Spiritual sovereignty is your divine right. It is your ticket to freedom, whether it means removing stigmas and guilt, opting out of contracts or relationships that do not serve you, and having choice—as to which emotion, or thoughts to have, or, even simpler, the right to be in your body fully. It is a clear connection to your Higher Self and the right to control your space. It’s ok to ask for help, but remember who is ultimately the boss—you.
Pro tip: check your sovereignty by asking your Higher Self (that small voice inside of you that is yours and absolutely nothing else) this question three times: "Am I sovereign?" Universal law states that you will get the truth by the third time. It may take practice to hear this voice. A good meditation for Psychic Self Defense is on YouTube.

Why do we start our grounding practice by breathing in through the nose and out through the mouth?
Most meditation, yoga and relaxation techniques start with this simple mindful breathing exercise. This is because the body is a technology and breathing is a key mechanism in regulating the nervous system and oxygenating the body. Our sinuses produce nitrous oxide, when carried into the body through the breath, combats bacteria/viruses, regulates blood pressure, and boosts the immune system. Nasal olfactory bulbs are direct extensions of the hypothalamus, which is involved in pituitary function, sleep, memory and emotion. Exhaling though the mouth allows a greater volume of air to be released, which helps the body become more relaxed. If you combine each exhale with a visualization of dark, negative energy being released, you are in effect replacing the stale energy in your etheric body with fresh, vibrant energy. Deep breathing also sends a signal to the brain that we are ok. It activates the calming centers of the body, helping us to create some space, let go of distractions, and bring our awareness within.
What is grounding?
Grounding is the creation of an energetic connection from your body to the center of the Earth. Grounding originates at the root chakra near the base of the spine. Being grounded means that our souls are plugged in and anchored into the Earth's energies. When not grounded, we feel more anxious, spacey, disconnected, or even lightheaded. Attitudes become negative leaving us feeling alone and unsupported. If you are having amazing visions, dreams, and ideas but are not grounded, you will find it difficult to fuse your experiences into reality. Remaining grounded is key to living in the physical world with ease. Earthing (see below) can greatly enhance our grounding.
What is "Earthing"?
This refers to physical contact with the Earth's surface electrons by walking barefoot outside. It is an established, though not widely appreciated fact, that the Earth's surface possesses a limitless and continuously renewed supply of free or mobile electrons. Humans are bioelectrical beings that carry a positive charge, which can build up in our bodies. When we make direct contact to the Earth, we discharge our excess energy, producing a healing effect at the cellular level. While grounding can be accomplished through visualization alone, earthing can only be achieved through the physical.
Other things that help with grounding and/or decreasing your frequency to help you stabilize:
Eating root vegetables
Eating oily, heavy foods and especially meat
Boiling flax into tea
Vigorous exercise
Bathing with sea salt, or being in a large body of salt water
Essential oils (scents): cedar, sandalwood, cypress, myrrh, patchouli, rosewood, lavender
Use sound or your own voice to resonate at the frequency of the root chakra (396 Hz)

Who would send a curse to me and why?
Unfortunately, we do not always know the answer. Curses are a form of negative intention combined with energy that hit the etheric field of the target person. The sender isn't always conscious of what they are projecting. Curses are similar to the field of black magic but are much more common in that anyone can send focused negative energy to another person. They can cause an assortment of spiritual and physical problems and have a cumulative effect if continued over a period of time.

How are portals created?
A spiritual portal can be thought of as a doorway between dimensions. Non-physical beings can traverse these portals in the same way we move between rooms in our house. They tend to be opened by negative entities but can also be opened in your etheric field if you have suffered traumatic abuse or been the target of an occult practitioner. Portals are also created by an intense concentration of traumatic energy at a location.

Dark Force (Negative) Entities
Why would one attach to me?
This phenomenon is as old as humanity itself and is more common that people realize. Just as in everyday life, we encounter all types of characters, but it is much harder to discern the intentions of those we encounter in the spirit world. A dark force entity is a consciousness that has never been alive in a body; it lives in the realm of spirit. These energies can think for themselves and can make decisions, they are very clever and know their way around the human psyche. To underestimate their potential would be a grave mistake. They often claim that the human host had lowered their spiritual protection and in some form or another agreed to the fear, pain and harm to which they are subjected. These entities feed on negative emotions, which for them is a form of sustenance (sometimes called loosh).
How can an entity attach (or get in)?
Humans have natural spiritual protection, which is the auric shield. Physically, emotionally and mentally—a fully healthy person without karmic afflictions and a clear positive intent has a total immunity against any attachment. Needless to say, no such person to my knowledge exists. Our mental, emotional and mental imbalances or vulnerabilities create etheric perforations or "chinks in the armor" that allow nasty things to get in. The most common reasons negative entities connect through these perforations are substance abuse, trauma, sexual abuse and occult practices that have gone wrong and allowed these negative entities the opportunity to connect.
Where do they come from?
The answer is we don’t really know, although there are many opinions and viewpoints in this regard.

Earthbound Spirits
What's it doing here, anyway?
Sometimes, when people die, they don't go into the Light—because of the nature of their deaths or for other reasons, they stay here. They may then attach to other human beings or locations. Such attached spirits may cause difficulties and ill health to those affected. These spirits are viewed not as evil, but as misguided and are offered compassionate help. Although some attachments are purely accidental, something you may want to consider is whether or not this particular entity has chosen you for a reason. Due to sympathetic resonance, spirit attachment is often a two-way process requiring deeper insight into why it came to be in the first place.

How are energetic cords created?
The auric field extends about 6 ft around the body. Every time you interact with other human beings, your auric fields intersect and energetic cords are created. Most cords are weak and do not last long. Strong emotions and negative energy increase the likelihood of cords created between you and others. When the people we are dealing with are not healthy or the relationship is unhealthy, the cords become very thick and sticky, then they also begin to drain energy and power from one person to another.

Plant Medicines
I take plant medicines very seriously and only work with them in a ceremonial context—with lots of reflection, prayer, and intention. As much as I love and respect our plant allies, people need to take great care of themselves before, during and after a journey. These substances work with our energy centers, leaving them wide open for a period of time, sometimes days or weeks. During that time, attachments and influences can get in more easily. If you feel as though you are "not quite right" after an experience, a Remote Spirit Release session can help.

Why would I have a contract?
Soul contracts are non-physical agreements made on the soul level of your consciousness. There is nothing inherently wrong with making agreements or contracts, as long as they are transparent and honor the freedom within. They are typically between members of our soul group before we incarnate into a new body, and they can detail all kinds of aspects about our upcoming life. But these contracts aren’t all rainbows and unicorns. In fact, they’re designed to create challenges, but ones that will help stimulate personal growth. The whole point of these agreements is that they’ll provide some form of lesson that you can integrate and take forward with you. Some contracts are made through wrong spiritual choices or coercion. You can also have past life contracts with dark forces that were never healed or cleared and continue into this lifetime.
Can you break or change a contract?
Because one's best-made plans and goals don't always work out in life, neither do larger spiritual goals. The spiritual being doesn't always have the realistic mentality that incarnated humans are faced with on a daily basis. Soul agreements are often renegotiated behind the scenes throughout a lifetime to adjust to situations that disrupt the original ideological scenarios. Contracts with dark forces, whether voluntarily entered into or not, can be rendered invalid due to their inherent destructive nature.

Spirit Guides
What are Spirit Guides?
We know them by many names - Guardian Angels, Archangels, Spirit Animals, Ascended Masters, Galactic Beings, Light Beings, Plant Spirits, Guardians, Caretakers, Ancestral Guides and more. These are non-physical beings that aim to help incarnated beings navigate the material realm, and guide them toward their greatest potential. They typically fall into one of these six categories: protectors, gate keepers, message bearers, healers, teachers, and joy bringers. Guides communicate with us through dreams, synchronicities, symbols, gut feelings, divination tools, visions, or as a whisper in your head.
Does everyone have a spirit guide?
Most of us are walking around with an entourage of spirit guides and don’t even know it. Your Spirit Guides are definitely here for your benefit, even if you’re not sure how to “access” them. And they’re already showing up for you (and have been all along), even during times you’ve felt completely alone. They are here to help but they will never intervene unless asked. So ask! And be specific. They can't help if it's unclear exactly what you need.
Can our loved ones on the other side act as our spirit guides?
They are in spirit form, and they are absolutely guiding us. However, they’re not technically classified as Spirit Guides. Being a Spirit Guide takes dedication and training, so not every dead person will become a Guide.
What about imposters?
Every once in a while, someone will manage to contact what they think is a Spirit Guide—perhaps by way of a Ouija board or meditation—and the next thing you know, things are getting weird. It is not a Spirit Guide if it:
provides negative, confusing, conflicting, or useless information
claims to need your help
emphasizes the specialness of the connection or encourages you to isolate from friends and family
intrudes uninvited into your thoughts, body or energy field for healing or protection or whatever—there is no such thing as an all-access pass to any part of you
promises to impart secrets or initiations nobody else has access to
discourages you from telling others things you learn from them
makes threats, either direct or implied
"tests" you
requires offerings
provides specific, unsolicited advice (this is different from your intuition or gut feeling)
casts fear and/or self-doubt
makes your life and relationships worse instead of better
overshadows all other areas of your life or becomes an obsession
has a vibe other than unconditional love
Pro tip: a real Spirit Guide is extremely consistent, patient and understanding, so they will not resist if you challenge their identity. Ask them: "Are you of the highest Light?" three times. Universal law states that by the third time, you will get the truth. You must already be sovereign to get an accurate answer to this question.
Imposters have been known to pose as anything - Angels, ancestors, God, and even your Higher Self. Be very careful what you connect to. If you are struggling with your sovereignty, keep yourself safe by connecting only to Mother Earth via direct contact, the energy inside your own body, and that small voice inside that you know is yours and absolutely nothing else. Normally prayers are a wonderful spiritual practice, but even prayers, since they are directed at something external to yourself, can be hijacked if you are already hearing voices, etc.

How do I protect myself?
Just as you maintain your physical health, so you must take care of your spiritual health. Andy Porter's Top 10 Spiritual Protection Techniques and Audio Meditations are essential to keeping your energy field right and tight.
I also highly recommend the Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram—there are plenty of resources online about the details this ritual.

Adverse effects of meditation
I am not a guru, yogi, or medical/mental health professional. As such, I am not qualified to differentiate between the various states of consciousness and their effects. However, there are times when certain practices can impair minds and derail lives.
Meditation and mindfulness are marketed as a panacea, but the reality is that the human psyche is complex and shadowed. It is possible to experience serious negative outcomes from meditation, and when that happens, the solution isn't necessarily more meditation. Side effects include, but are not limited to:
Schizophrenic decompensation/psychosis
Feelings of mania, including euphoria and grandiosity
Energy-like somatic experiences
Involuntary movements
Inability to sleep/eat
If you are meditating and are experiencing any of the above symptoms and they are interfering with your daily life or causing distress, discontinue meditation for a while and seek professional support. A "dark night of the soul" is not a requirement for spiritual awakening and isn't improved by deepening your practice. Lighten up. Respect the current limitations of your mind and body. Remember that it's not your fault, and that adverse effects can happen even under optimal conditions. Enlightenment can wait; this isn't a race. Prioritize your own physical, mental, and emotional safety over any practice.
Remote Spirit Release would not be appropriate for these individuals, even though it might appear they are experiencing paranormal phenomena. Here are some resources that can help meditators in distress.​
First Episode of Psychosis Resources
Meditating In Safety (U.K.)
Finally, it's always possible that the above symptoms are due to a medical condition. Please consult a health care professional to rule out any medical cause.

Pitfalls of Prayer
If you feel anxious, disturbed, and/or compulsive about your prayer life, there's something wrong. It is not a virtue to be anxious about prayer. It's possible to become obsessive-compulsive about prayer, where cycles of doubt and rumination get locked in your mind. Depression can also arise when life doesn't match prayerful expectations. We can worry that we haven't prayed hard or often enough or haven't believed deeply enough. Remember that we are all small creatures on a spinning rock with limited insights into the far-reaching effects of Karma, the Divine Plan, or whatever version of cosmic justice you ascribe to.
Prayer can become problematic if you:
Surrender your will
Give away your power
Grant authority
"Sign away the deed"
The most imprtant thing you possess is your sovereignty. Do not relinquish it. Surrender is often confused with acceptance. Understanding that you cannot control everything (acceptance) is not the same as giving away control (surrender). Never give up your claim to yourself or any part of your life.

Why do I have to wait before booking another session or reading?
Spiritual healing isn't necessarily a one-and-done situation. Although the actions of a healing can often be felt immediately, it can take time for its full effects to occur. Not only that, you need enough time to implement the recommendations made by the Guides, allow energy patterns to shift, and learn to take sovereignty into your own hands (see How do I protect myself? in the FAQs - those are the exact same practices I use to keep myself clean and clear). It's hard for some people to imagine that they really have that kind of power within themselves. We all do. The only difference between you and I in that regard, is practice and confidence (which is only developed with...practice!)
For Tarot and Psychic Readings, I don't want to create too much dependence upon the guidance I provide. My role is to illuminate and inspire, that is all.
Minimum waiting periods between services:
1 week for Sovereignty Checks, Remote Spirit Release, Chakra Tune-Ups.
1 month for Tarot and Psychic Readings.
Other cautions while you wait (1 week period):
DON'T experiment with other healers and modalities. Not only do "too many cooks in the kitchen spoil the broth," this prevents you from understanding what actually helps or not.
​DON'T engage in any occult or paranormal activites, however innocent they may seem.
DON'T succomb to fear. Fear feeds the nasties. Do whatever you can to bring yourself back from fear.
DON'T partake in mind- or mood-altering substances aside from those legally prescribed.
DO follow the advice of the Guides so long as the advice resonates with you.
DO keep it simple and reduce any sources of stress.
DO make self-care a priority.
DO be extremely compassionate toward yourself. Take gentleness breaks when needed.
DO utilize your support system of friends, family, and health care providers. Find some kind of support if you don't already have it. It takes a village to keep us whole.